Custom Kid Pictures in Naperville – Candle Light

Custom Kid Pictures in Naperville Candle Light

I picked out this candle.



I used to work for a company that creates cake decorating and baking supplies.  It was generally a great place to work because I actually cared about the products we made and the people were fun.  Since I was in product development, we needed to regularly not only look at competitor samples but also take check out our own stuff.  These candles were part of a sample collection the company no longer needed, so I found them a home at my house.  I forgot about them pretty much until my three year old found them in a drawer (a good five years after I had left that cake decorating company, mind you), and decided this little pink candle was perfect for my birthday chocolate caramel cake – because – well, it’s pink. And there’s a star on top. And it has a smiley face.


I can’t say that I disagree 🙂


Tiny people can have a way of choosing just the right thing if you give them the chance.  Usually that chance means doing something fun, not worrying about what’s “proper” or expected.  How lucky that she chose this candle for me, because how much more fun is this (awesome, delicious, chocolate caramel ice cream cake) with a pink star candle that happens to match my daughters nightgown?  Answer? Much more awesome, because I smile every time I see it.


Contact me now to catch those extra-awesome moments of your own with your rad family.

Ciao for now,


Your very own source for photojournalistic Naperville Family Pictures and Custom Kid Pictures.


(Oh and by the way, you can check me out on Google+ by clicking here!)