Photo Day: Unposed Part II {Naperville Kid Portraits}

Bebe O is all Boy.  He’s always climbing, jumping, running straight for the street.

He’s recently learned that he can pee at will, which has presented all sorts of fun at our house.  For instance, the other night he tried out his new trick after his bath – right out over the balcony.  Awesome.  :/

Anyway – Bebe O is also super magical in the sweet, happy, laughy, dancy sort of way too.  More times then not, he finds some inner music to dance to while in the midst of some other project.

In this case, he was working on escaping down the street while I chased after him (barefoot, with my camera….).

And true to form – he stopped mid-way to the corner to do a little jig and some of his signature shoulder-shrug moves.


Child, Photograph, Quirky, Black and White photo

I got to move it move it!

Like this photo?  You can check out some other photography examples by clicking on some other posts, like the Backyard Belly child portrait, the Little Lady Lunching kid photograph, or even the Push Pops child sibling portrait.

Interested in capturing all the little things about your lovies too?

Contact me now.  They’re worth it 🙂

Ciao for now,
