Photo Day: Push Pops {Naperville Child Portraits}

Today’s photograph is the direct result of a sad (very minor) accident.

While shopping at Target this afternoon, Bebe H got a TERRIBLE pinch in the buckle of the shopping cart child seat.  It looked like a tiny animal tried to bite off a chunk of her little finger.  Her sad little sobs were abated a bit by a helpful Target employee who rushed over with a Hello Kitty band-aid (and a teeny one for Bebe O as well, to avoid him feeling left out).

Poor Bebe H was really hurting so we booked it over to the refrigerated section to pick up something cold she could hold against her finger.  It was almost inevitable that we’d end up with some sort of ice cream out of the deal.

Not regular ice cream.  Push Pops.  Their first taste.

By dessert time tonight, Bebe H had forgotten about her booboo, but had reminded me no less than 57 times that we were supposed to have those Push Pops for treats.

Veteran toddler parents that we are, we took them outside, stripped them down to the bare necessities and let them at it.



photograph, portrait, black and white, baby, summer


Like this photo?  Want to see more?  Check out some other posts, like the Little Lady Lunching child photograph, Proof of the Walk picture or the Twirling kid portrait.


Ciao for now,


Interested in a portrait or lifestyle photography session for your family?  Contact me now!