It’s 5 o’ Clock Somewhere – Naperville Lifestyle Photography

Annnnd we’re back from the commercial break!

I had to take a few days hiatus for the spring holiday and subsequent dinner party-ing, family-visiting stuff.

But today I’m back with the iheartfaces photo-of-the-day!

Today’s theme is

 “5 pm” 


Since I take my photo-a-day photos same-day, I had to wait to 5pm to start shooting.

The shots are a little wonky and kiddos look a little wild for some reason.  (well, actually, the reason is that it’s 5pm and by then we’re all a little hungry/run-down/crazy).   Take heed.

Just documenting what was going on in my corner of the world, from 5:00pm to about 5:03pm.

This is life.  🙂


First off, we have Bebe O testing the laundry basket and being mildly ok with me shooting photos of him and Potsy.

 naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pmnaperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm

And sweet Gussie.

naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm


naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm

And THIS is an outfit.  (It looks more and more like Bebe H might wind up with the ever-present too-short-pants, just like her mama had all growing up.   Ahhh, short-pants.  *Sigh*).

naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm, girl naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm, girl naperville photographer, iheartfaces, march, 5pm, girl



Ciao for now,



And don’t forget to check out some of the other themes from the iheartfaces spring daily photography challenge, including the one about leaping photos, the different doorway pictures and the eye-level photography.