Today’s photo theme is “Leap” – Naperville, IL Lifestyle Photographer

As part of the March Photo-a-day challenge put forth by iheartfaces, I’m on my fourth day in a row of participation.

It strangely is becoming harder and harder to process these photos, because I think I’m getting sort of perfectionist-y on them.  Which is not the point of the challenge.  And then it just takes more time and editing and I go back and forth on every photo until I have a headache staring at the computer screen.


 Today’s theme is “Leap” 

Like some of the other day’s challenges, I tried to think up some new novel idea for expressing “Leap” in a photo. But you know what?  A leap is a leap, and if you have kids, natural things come to mind.  Like – ahem – someone Leaping.


My first attempt at a photo for this theme was to capture a pic of my bebe boy getting down from our giant king size bed.  He’s a teeny-tiny and the bed is giant and tall, so he sort of has to jump down from it – taking a “leap of faith” that he’ll hit the ground quickly and without too much falling involved.

baby, boy, jeans, iheartfaces, leap, march

However, since said bebe *is* a teeny-tiny, I couldn’t and wouldn’t really make him do this unless he wanted too, and when his little face said “Help!”,  there were no more photos of this little experiment.  Gussie was more than happy to give bebe a little love after all of his hard work.

baby, boy, jeans, iheartfaces, leap, march

Then I experimented with our fuzzy guy to see what kind of air he could get with is beloved Ropey.  Not bad 🙂

dog, jump, leap, iheartfaces, march

I wasn’t getting the shot I wanted, though our doggie was more than happy to try over and over and over. And over. And over….


But there were, of course, lots more photos.


When I suggested to my toddler that we make a pillow mountain to jump off the couch on to, she was pretty excited about that.   We’ve never done that before, so I think she thought something was suspicious – and she was right – but she went for it anyway.

To take the photos, we started off with her little red riding hood cape, but she wasn’t feelin’ it.  Instead, we decided on a tutu.  Then she wanted wings.  Then she wanted another different color tutu.  And different wings.

And she made it very clear that she was *NOT* a Fairy Princess.  She was a Butterfly.  (Make a note of that….)

Here’s the winning photo for my challenge – showcasing my little Butterfly.

toddler, fairy, princess, butterfly, girl, purple, photo, iheartfaces, leap, march


And here are some more photos I got to freeze my bebes in time for a short while.  Best. Job. Ever.

baby, boy, jeans, iheartfaces, leap, marchtoddler, girl, wings, iheartfaces, leap, marchtoddler, girl, wings, iheartfaces, leap, marchtoddler, girl, wings, iheartfaces, leap, marchtoddler, girl, wings, iheartfaces, leap, march2013-03-08_0006

This one makes me smile so much to see – look at those giggly faces!



toddler, girl, pajamas, iheartfaces, leap, marchtoddler, girl, photo, iheartfaces, pajamas, leap, march2013-03-08_0008


Ciao for now!
