The First Warm Day – Lifestyle Photography by Appelman Images

The weather has been wonky lately but you can tell it’s inching towards the summer by the frequency of warm-ish days.

Today was one of those happy days where you could jusssst get away with leaving your coat at home if you moved briskly or maybe had a hot coffee in your hands.

Near sundown I took the kids all out for a walk to enjoy the weather and get a few lifestyle photos while we were at it.  I discovered one of the only ways to distract Bebe O from making a bee-line for the street was to let him pull his own wagon.  Hey, it saves me a little effort and he gets to flex his muscles.  Win.

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appelman images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outside images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outside

appelman images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outsideappelman images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outsideappelman images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outsideappelman images photography, naperville lifestyle photos, kids, photojournalistic, april, toddlers, outside

You can see more lifestyle photography on other posts, like this one with corn shoe photos, leap pictures and doorway portraits.


Ciao for now,
