Naperville Baby Photographer | Tiny Man | Lifestyle Storytelling

Naperville Family Photographer, Naperville Child Photographer, Naperville Baby Photographer, oak park family photographer, oak park baby photographer, photojournalist, storytelling, lifestyle photographer, chicago area lifestyle photographer, tiny man, color photograph portrait

Little Man


Bebe O has a big strong name.  His papa is big and tall, his mama is tall.  His sister?  Also tall.

Bebe O?  Well, not so tall. Yet.

He’s got big shoes (ha, not necessarily mine) to fill.  But time’s passing (all too) quickly and he’ll be grown before I know it.

For now, he’s just my teeny man.




Are your littles growing up before your eyes?  Drop me a line, let’s bottle up some of that childhood now!

Like this photo?  Check out some more, like the Candy Aisle whimsical naperville child portrait, or the sweet bouquet hunting kid photo, or the good times photo with babies and push-pops!


Ciao for now,


Your Naperville Baby and Lifestyle Photographer