Tag Archives: portraits

Naperville Family Photographer | “R” Family Portraits | Lifestyle Photography

  The photography blog circle theme for November is “Family”. I recently had the pleasure of photographing this little family, awaiting the birth of a new little boy.  If he’s anything like his big sister, he’ll be adorable and incredibly charming! Family portraits are so wonderful to have, and I’m honored each and every time…

Honest Child Photography | Queen of the Closet | Naperville Lifestyle

  We bought our house right at the edge of the housing market (read: We paid high) and planned to stay in it for only a couple of years.  So now we keep toying with the idea of selling (read: We’re selling low). We LOVE the house and the neighborhood and the location and the…

Photo Day: Drips {Beautiful Child Portraits in Naperville}

Yesterday’s Push-Pop introduction was met enthusiastically by all the littles in my house. Bebe O won the award for Most Involved, taking it upon himself to experience the tactile joys of cold orange sherbet (from the top of his head, down his belly, in his diaper, and down to his teeny bebe toes.) Heart.  …

Photo Day: Flamingo Dress {Naperville Child Portraits}

By the end of the day the bebes have me completely exhausted. As anyone with small children will tell you, cleaning is futile, sitting down is a pipe-dream.  Good nutrition, healthy activities to nurture their growing minds and non-destructive movement are all goals to which we strive – but after 11 hours of 2 kids…