Tag Archives: boy

Photo Day: Drips {Beautiful Child Portraits in Naperville}

Yesterday’s Push-Pop introduction was met enthusiastically by all the littles in my house. Bebe O won the award for Most Involved, taking it upon himself to experience the tactile joys of cold orange sherbet (from the top of his head, down his belly, in his diaper, and down to his teeny bebe toes.) Heart.  …

Photo-a-Day: May 3 – The Protector {Naperville Family Photographer}

For as much grief as Bebe O puts Gus through, Gus is an excellent big brother. Ever since the bebes were born, if one of them were crying, Gus always ran to be with them.  If the bebe’s door was closed, Gus would sit outside their room, waiting for one of us to come check….