Photographriend Highlight

As grown-ups, we learn it’s harder to make friends then it was when we were kids in school.

Often, we have jobs that provide us with a set of people from which to make work-friends – but unfortunately those friendships rarely extend outside of work hours.

In Photography, you’re often alone most of the time.  Sure, you’re meeting with clients and emailing about business – but you work alone.  Ask any photographer how many hours they spend in front of the computer – alone, in the dark, often in to the wee hours of the night while their families sleep – and you’ll hear that 90% of their time is spent solo.

And is for this reason that I thank the people I’ve dubbed my photographriends.

My girl Heather of Heather Photography in Bergen County, New Jersey was my very first Photographriend.  I found her over on and reached out to her for some help (I think that’s the way it went. Maybe I just reached out to her to be my friend because I was so impressed with her work!)  This cool cat produces Excellent work and keeps a super funny and down to earth vibe that I really relate to.  She’s given me countless advice to help me grow and maybe one day be as fab as she is.

Though we haven’t met in person, I totally cling to this phone/email/text/facebook/blog friendship – because it’s as real as any other and has the added bonus of ongoing professional inspiration.  Grown-up friends are hard to come by, which makes them so much more valuable than the fleeting acquaintances we might make in grade school.

So here’s to you, Heather.  And cheers to all of our grown-up friendships.