Photo-a-Day: May 7 – Fever {Naperville, IL Lifestyle Photographer}

Today’s turning out to be a heck of a birthday – 2 sick bebes and I’m on the edge of coming down with it to, with the added fun of what seems to be stomach flu.  Welcome to 35!



But around lunch time today Bebe H was still asleep, trying to break that stubborn fever (doc said it’s something going around and could take TEN days.  TEN.  Before the fever breaks. TEN DAYS!)

Lifestyle photography is capturing your loved ones the way they are.  The portraits and story-telling photos help jog your memory of what your family IS, when the little tiny details have changed (and the little tiny people have grown…).

Sometimes it’s messy, noisy, or in this case – sick. 🙁

My bebe – Fever.  Day Three.

Naperville photographer, naperville kid photographer, lifestyle photographer, appelman images photography, naperville IL, chicago, studio in, chicago suburbs, portraits



Want to see some other lifestyle family photography I’ve done?  Check out the Oranges photo, the little lady lunching photograph, or perhaps the Protector portrait.


Ciao for now,
