Naperville Child Photographer | Where’s my Band-aid? {Lifestyle Photography}

When Bebe H got a nasty scrape on her knee yesterday, this Mama knew the best way to make it better was to offer up a bit of medicine and a Band-Aid.

Because besides Mama-Kisses, a Band-aid will cure nearly any ill that befalls you.


When you have two bebes, however, you must understand that the child with the boo-boo is not the only child that requires a badge of honor.  So both bebes got a Dora Band-aid.

But then, you see, if you go out and play directly following a rain-storm, that band-aid will likely come loose from teeny bebe knees.

And you get what we have here:


Naperville Lifestyle Child Photographer, Missing Band-AId, Baby,

Where’d it go?


Like this photo?  Check out some other quirky lifestyle photography in posts like the Drinkbox child portrait, the Candy Aisle lifestyle photograph, or the drippy Naperville child photograph.

Contact me now to schedule a session for your own little lovies.  It’s time to capture all the little things 🙂
